Monday, September 28, 2020

Salt Lake city temple renovation update and October General Conference 2020 Preparation


Here is the latest information regarding the Salt Lake temple's renovation.  Almost a year since it officially closed for work on the foundation to withstand a large earthquake, on December 29th, 2019, much has been done on the grounds at Temple Square. Early last year, I traveled to Memphis to tour the newly renovated temple in Bartlett.

 The original temple was built as a smaller scale. This was how the church was  able to build multiple temples across the globe or the US during President Hinckley's time as the president of the church.  As I toured with my family the halls and the rooms, I recognized the floor plan being the same as the Nashville temple. It was mostly an architectural face-life, but it was an incredible site for sure.  My 3 children were otherwise restless that day having been couped up in the car for the 4 hour trip, and were hard to keep reverent throughout the building.  I was praying the entire time that they would be peaceful and lose the compulsion to bounce of the walls while in the temple. I also said a prayer for patience for my kids in the moment and that we'd as a family enjoy this experience.  When we arrived at the Celestial room the group leader taking us through, invited all to take a seat and a moment to ponder the special spirit within the room and the building.  My kids who at the start were loud and jumpy were now quiet and still.  It was an absolute miracle and a sign that even the littlest can recognize the majesty and incredible nature of God.  My wife and I couldn't stop talking about it on the way home and as we related this experience to family. Now the reason for the renovation was due to mold forming in the air gap of the shell of the building. The climate in Tennessee is much more humid and because of different weather and practices in commercial construction from the eastern portion of the country to the west, it created the perfect environment for mold to form.  This was said to be the cause for a few other temple renovations in the southeast.  

I love the Nashville Tennessee Temple.  I have truly missed attending there with the closure due to the pandemic restrictions.  I was hopeful that it would be renovated as well since we enjoy the same climate as does Memphis, but nothing has been stated regarding any modification needed on the structure or vapor barriers within the construction.  That temple is where my wife and I were sealed. I received my endowments there prior to my mission, and I have enjoyed doing my ancestors' work there over the last several years. Perhaps I am like Alma in that I sin in my wish(Alma 29:3)... in wanting a similar look for the Nashville Temple as that which we saw in the Memphis temple. I am anxious for the day the restrictions are lifted and Nashville temple enters phases 3 and 4 and begin again to operate fully.

 Elder Gary E. Stevenson spoke in last conference on the foundation renovation being completed for the Salt Lake temple in April 2020 General Conference. There were some great concepts key to an effective self-evaluation he likened to this construction work being undertaken right now.

A Good Foundation Against the Time to Come, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, April 2020

He said:

"An introspective look may reveal that we too and our families could benefit from our doing some needed maintenance and renovation work, even a seismic upgrade! We might start such a process by asking:

“What does my foundation look like?”

“What comprises the thick-walled, stable, strong cornerstones that are part of my personal foundation, upon which my testimony rests?”

“What are the foundational elements of my spiritual and emotional character that will allow me and my family to remain steadfast and immovable, even to withstand the earthshaking and tumultuous seismic events that will surely take place in our lives?”

These events, similar to an earthquake, are often difficult to predict and come in various levels of intensity—wrestling with questions or doubt, facing affliction or adversity, working through personal offenses with Church leaders, members, doctrine, or policy. The best defense against these lies in our spiritual foundation."

What are you doing to prepare for General Conference this time? Maybe a better question that will help us to prepare for general conference, What are you doing to prepare yourself and your family for the second coming of the Savior?
I look forward to what will be spoken, taught, and testified this coming weekend.

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